brick porn

I consider myself fortunate, having been able to photograph in this area. These are photographs from several occasions, taken in an old industrial site in the town where I live. These days, it’s mainly used for (to my knowledge, anyway) local business focused on varying kinds of technology.

Personally, I’d do quite different things if I owned this area. I’d probably live in one of those amazing buildings, and the rest I’d create some sort of art centre with.

Can you tell that I really, really enjoy brick walls? If not – let me tell you; I love brick walls. Especially when they are old, used, torn by time and nature. I’d really love to live in something like this.

There are secrets hidden in these walls. There’s history in the air. So much has happened on these grounds, and we don’t even consider it, stomping around on any given day.

Sometimes, I think we should be ashamed for how we disrespect our history.

On that note, at least I tend to see quite a gothic feeling in these photographs. They speak to me about those forgotten days, about everything that has fallen, not to rise again. It is sad and bittersweet, and utterly, utterly beautiful.

Do you see what I see?

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there is poetry, rythm and music within the photograph.


step into my world for a while, and experience it with me.


due to mental illness, i am retired from work. i do have a background as a portrait/wedding photographer, as well as one in art history.


i am heavily influenced by photographers active in the 19th century, as well as more modern ones. but mainly, i have my own way of seeing the world.



